منتديات مدرسة طبريا الثانوية للبنات الاردن
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

منتديات مدرسة طبريا الثانوية للبنات الاردن

مديرية التربية والتعليم اربد الاولى
الرئيسيةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


 اسئلة قطع الفصل الاول

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
ايمان طه

انثى عدد المساهمات : 461
نقاط : 1101
تاريخ التسجيل : 05/01/2012
الموقع : الاردن
العمل/الترفيه : معلمة

اسئلة قطع الفصل الاول  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: اسئلة قطع الفصل الاول    اسئلة قطع الفصل الاول  Emptyالسبت يناير 14, 2012 1:53 am

Emigration __
1 ?What was the most important industry in Ireland during the 19th century
2.? How were farmers described in the first paragraph
3. Quote the sentence which indicate that farmers didn't use modern ways of
agriculture in Ireland in that time .
4.? what was the real reason behind the migration of farmers to America
5. ?What happened to the economic situation of Ireland
6. Write down the sentence which means that there was not a plenty of potato
in Ireland in 1845.
7.Why there wasn't a lot of potatoes in that year?
8. Write down the sentence which tells the importance of potatoes to the
people of Ireland.
9. What led to the death of many people in Ireland?
10. The writer says that many people left Ireland to the United States. Do you
agree or not? justify your answer.
11. Where is Tristan Da Chuna located?
12. How many people were evacuated to the other land?
13. Why were people evacuated to the other land?
14. What happened in august 1961 in the island?
15. Why did the government have the decision of evacuating?
16. Where were people taken to by a ship?
17. Why were people taken to England
18. Why did people decide to return to the island in 1963?
19. The writer says that not all the people wanted to return. Is he justified in that?
20. What were the other changes that made people unable to return?
22. Why do you think that the economy of Arabian gulf countries developed
between 1960s -1970s
23. Why do many people migrate to the gulf at that time?
New crime
1 What is the new kind of crime that was mentioned the text?
2. How is the change done in the modern world according to the writer?
3. Two kinds of computer crimes were mentioned, what are they?
4. Why do criminals use computers?
5. How did the writer describe criminals who use computers?
6. What are the reasons behind getting to computers systems?
7. Write down the sentences which tells the differences between traditional and computer crimes.
8. Why does the writer say that computer crimes are more difficult than traditional crimes?
9. The writer says that it is difficult to prosecute computer criminals successfully. Is he justified in that?
10. What is the attitude of experts concerning such crimes?
11. What kind of people that may suffer from this kind of crimes?
12. What is the reason behind the increase in the number of computer crimes according to the text?
13. How were techno-criminals attracted by the this type of business on the internet
14. How do viruses affect computers?
15. Write down the sentence which tells the danger of viruses on people.
16. Why do criminals prefer with internet connection?
17. In the last paragraph, the writer mentioned some kinds of fraud,what are they?
Animal emigration
1 what do we mean by animals migration?
2. Is the migration of animals organized? Justify you answer.
3. Why do most animals migrate?
4. How do land animals migrate?
5. How do birds migrate?
6. Write down the sentence which indicates that the migration of fish is shorter than animals?
7. How far can the gray whale travel?
8. Where do most animals migrate during the northern summer?
9. Why do animals migrate to northern regions?
10. What is the importance of the long summer days to animals?
11. How do you think that autumn change the plans of animals?
12. Why do you think that animals migrate south?
13. The writer divided Animals into two groups concerning migration, what are they?
New from old
1 How was the first kind of wood made?
2. When and where was the first kind of wood made?
3. Some kinds of materials which can be used in making papers
mentioned in the first paragraph, write down two of them.
4. What is the most commonly material that is used to make new papers these days
5. What was the opinion of environmentalists?
6. Write down the sentence which tells that Jordan realizes the importance of recycling materials.
7. The writer says that Jordan is interested in paper recycling, find
out the evidence.
8. Write down the sentence which shows the awareness of environment inside schools in Jordan
9. Write down the sentence which means that recycling papers doesn't save trees.
10. What kind of wood that papermakers use?
11. Wood can be used in making many kinds of industry, paper is one. Write down other two.
12. what is the highest proportion of household waste?
13. Jordanians waste too many papers, do you agree or not? Justify your answer.
14. What is the importance of recycling papers?
15. What is the danger of burying papers in the ground?
16. Write down the sentence which has a piece of advice at the end of the essay..
The spread of desert
1 What do we mean by desertification?
2. Write down the sentence which indicates that desertification is a global problem.
3. Quote the sentence which limit the number of people who suffer from desertification.
4. Write down the number of people living in the world now.
5. Write down the main reasons of desertification.
6. What does it mean when the top layer of soil is destroyed?
7. The writer says that desertification may lead to migration. Is he justified in that?
8.What do the shortage of water and food lead to?
9. According to the writer, what is the real cause of desertification?
10. Why do farmers tend to overcultivate their lands?
11. What is the result of overcultivating lands?
12. What is the result of overgrazing lands?
13. Why according to the text trees are cut down?
14. What are the disadvantages of cutting down the trees?
15. Write down the sentences which indicate that trees save people?
16 . The writer says that desertification affects water. Is he justified in that..
Feeding chicken
1 Where is the rainforest region located?
2. Write down the sentence which indicates that a huge number of all creatures live in the Amazon rainforest.
3.Quote the sentence which limits the number of people living in the forest.
4. How many tribes of people living there?
5. How does the forest play part in controlling the world's climate?
6. Why have trees been cut down recently?
7. The writer says that a large area of the forest was destroyed, is justified in that?
8. Why does the writer consider this destruction illegal?
9. Why is the new land used for?
10. What are most soya beans used for?
11. Do you think that improving the economy and industry had effects on the forest, write down two pieces of evidence.
12. How do you think destroying the forest had an effect on the people?Justify your answer.
Awhole plants under the glass
1 When did the project start?
2. What is the Eden project?
3. Why do you people visit this project?
4. Do you think that the project plays part in the economy of the
country? Justify.
5. What is the importance of biomes to the plants?
6. What is the purpose of the project?
Aworld of plants
1 How are animals dangerous on plants?
2. Mention three of the animals which attack plants.
3. Name three names of parts of plants.
4.an example of the plants which grown in the dry climate, what is it?
5 . How the caucuses plant protect themselves from animals?
6. Write down the sentence which shows that the thorns protect plants from animals?
7. How do stinging nettles protect themselves?
8. How do you think poison protect animals?
9. Where can the poison be on the plant?
10. Where are acacia trees live?
11. How do insects protect plants, give an example.
12. How do you think sticky substances protect animals?
13. Four ways in which plants protect themselves by, what arethey?
The sand gazelles
1. What is the other name of the sand gazelle?
2. Where does the gazelle live?
3. What is the original country of the gazelle?
4. Mention three countries where you may find the gazelle in.
5. How do the gazelles live during summer months?
6. How do the gazelles live during winter months?
7. How does the writer describe the gazelles' bodies in the text?
8. What is the importance of the bodies to the gazelles?
9. Write down the sentence which shows the weight of the gazelle.
10. Write down the sentence which tells that gazelles may run very quickly.
11. How can gazelles avoid their enemies?
12. How much do sand gazelles eat per day?
13. How much water do they drink daily?
14. How do the gazelles behave in hot seasons?
15. Why are sand gazelles in danger?
16. What kind of extinction that sand gazelles suffer from?
17. How has Jordan decided to save Gazelles?
18. Write down the sentence which indicates that the battle of saving gazelles hasn't ended yet.
19. How do you think that the government of Jordan interested in saving Gazelles?
The animal and their habitant
1 Write down the sentence which indicates that there is no
particular place for animals to live.
2. What is the place that the animal lives in called?
3. Write down the sentence which tells that animals are used to living in certain places.
4. What is especial about whales?
5. Why does lizard die if they move to Arctic?
6. How many kinds of penguins there are?
7. What are the most famous kinds of penguins?
8. Where do penguins live?
9. The writer tells us that penguins adapted to live in two habitats,write down the evidence.
10. How many kinds of camels are there?
11. What are the two kinds of camels?
12. Where do camels live?
13. The writer says that camels adapt to live in the desert, is he justified in that?
14. How do you prove that camels are distinguished animals? Find out the evidence.
15.How much water can the camel drink at once ?
16. Why does the camel drink big amount of water?
17. Where are kangaroos found?
18. Kangaroos are marsupials, what does it mean?
19. How many kinds of kangaroos are there?
20. What kinds of habitats that kangaroos live?
21. Where do tree kangaroos live?
22. what is the difference between tree kangaroos and the rest of them?
1 According to the writer, why there are zoos everywhere?
2. Quote a sentence which limits the group of people who get interested in zoos.
3. Write down the sentence which tells that not all people like the idea of having zoos.
4. Why are some people against having zoos?
5. What is this essay about?
6. Write down the opinion of environmentalist concerning zoos.
7. Write down an example about rare animals.
8. What is the importance of zoos to rare animals?
9. Do you think that zoos can be used in education sector? Justify your answer.
10. People who are with having zoos give two reasons, what are they?
11. What is the justification of people who are against having zoos?
12. People who are against zoos describes animals in zoos as captives. Are they justified in that?
13. Apart from captivity, what is the other reason which makes some people against having zoos?
14. Is the writer with or against having zoos?
15. Why is the writer considered to be with and against having zoos?
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